Our office will be closed on Waitangi Day (6th Feb) and Friday, 7th Feb - back on Monday!

P: (07) 827 6102

Kirsty Johnson


I’m passionate about business and inspired by a challenge!

Hailing from the winterless North, I moved to the Waikato to study and have (almost) never looked back. I have been based in Cambridge for over a decade and my husband and I are now raising our two children in this beautiful town.

With my early career based in CA firms, I went on to work in a commercial setting in the agri-business sector, firstly as an accountant within a business and then working up to management and board positions. With that I gained first-hand experience of what it’s like to run a business. From cashflow to profitability, staff and time pressures, I understand the challenges that people in business face every day.

What brought me back to CA was a desire to help businesses without access to an in-house accountant. Having played a major part in bringing a business back to profitability, I know how much impact simple changes can make. And as accountants, we view the world with a different lens, one that I know can benefit the wider business community.

While I’m naturally focused on the detail, I am driven by the bigger picture. I am on a mission to help business owners solve their problems and to find ways to develop and grow their businesses.


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